
  • Listen to new song: The Calling

    Listen to new song: The Calling

    New Song: The Calling

    Well… this one is interesting. I’m not quite sure what to think so I’ll just post it for you to listen to and leave it at that. Lyrics are below. In the future, I’ll add Bandcamp to the platforms used. Nothing wrong with Soundcloud or ReverbNation, just interested in seeing how it works in comparison.

    Other recent songs include:

    Hold On


    Turn the Music On

    and an older, but one of my favorites, Put it Down

    Another night outside a muted scene

    Ringing crowds that fade to gray

    Strain to hear above these lonely lies

    Unfiltered love you dared to dream


    Breathless moments as they drift away

    Lost in heaven’s open skies

    In the still, a distant siren’s call

    When solace fades, you hear it say


    Just remember we’re all broken

    You can always call on me

    When your love is like the ocean

    The current sweeps you out to sea


    The quiet moment where you felt alone

    Now you’re striving for your dreams

    But silence lingers on so patiently

    The darkest moments pull the seams


    But your love is like an ocean

    Your fears have drowned in deeper seas

    Anytime that you felt broken

    You could always call on me


    Remember your love is like an ocean

    The fears belong in deeper seas

    And anytime that you feel broken

    You can always call on me


  • Business growth ideas: Grow your business

    Business growth ideas: Grow your business

    Business growth is always a priority

    You land a few clients or customers (or more) and realize your service or product has value and potential. What’s the next step? No matter where you are in the process, business growth is always a challenge.

    In 2009 I finished grad school. It was the Great Recession and there were zero jobs available. So I started an S-Corp for professional services. My first clients came from networking. My strategy was to connect with government organizations that didn’t have enough resources for a marketing team, and some small businesses that were still operating. I didn’t involve a clever social presence or website. In fact, I still do a terrible job of marketing myself, but that’s another story. I reached out to people and established myself while holding back fears and doubts about my networking skills. (Who doesn’t?)

    Furthermore, I quickly learned I couldn’t rely on just one or two clients. As a result, I upped my outreach by launching a website, asking for referrals and spreading the word where I could; at networking events, online and face to face.

    Most of all, no matter which tactics you employ, growing the business will most likely always be top of mind. It helps to begin with a goal in mind, a few objectives and a strategy. You will always be asking, “How can I get more clients or customers?

    Let’s grow your business

    First of all, this blog from a few years back has some great tips. Called 27 Low-Cost Ways To Grow Your Business, it has practical suggestions and a lot of them are the same I recommend to students and clients. If you need some more ideas, visit Marketing Resources and 5 strategies to start and grow a successful business with only $200.

    In addition, the SBA is a great resource and here’s an article to get you started: 10 Tips to Help You Build and Grow a Stand-Out Small Business Brand thinking about whether your brand is ready for growth.

    Finally, Reddit is another excellent resource – visit some of the subreddits: /r/entrepreneur, /r/growmybusiness and /r/startups

    Buena suerte.

  • Marketing analytics: You need Neil Patel on your team

    Marketing analytics: You need Neil Patel on your team

    Marketing Analytics… and marketing in general

    Here’s another recommendation for marketing analytics advice, and digital marketing in general.

    Keep in mind that Neil Patel is an aggressive and effective marketer. He knows his way around analytics and digital marketing. You’ll notice a very different marketing approach from Avinash Kaushik when you visit his site. Whereas Mr. Kaushik takes a softer approach, Mr. Patel doesn’t hesitate to start marketing to you immediately. This is not a horrible thing, but you will get marketed to when you visit his site.

    Get acquainted with Mr. Patel with a couple of helpful and informative blog posts:

    How to Navigate Google Analytics Like a Pro (Way Beyond the Basics)

    How to Get Actionable Data from Google Analytics in 10 Minutes

    Don’t Lose Money: 5 Analytics Tools to Help You Fix Your Leaky Sales Funnel

    Enjoy, and here’s to marketing with better metrics!

  • Digital marketing analytics: Avinash Kaushik

    Digital marketing analytics: Avinash Kaushik

    Digital marketing analytics on the web:

    See how digital marketing analytics can better inform your work. Read Avinash Kaushik. His website/blog Occam’s Razor on analytics is excellent. Be sure to sign up for his newsletter in the lower right hand of his website.


    “The interesting thing about averages is that they hide the truth very effectively.”

    “Testing is the biggest no-brainer, and the killer of most stupid ideas… Testing is great because you can get the most important person’s opinion: the customer’s.”

    “Web is perhaps the cheapest and most effective channel on the planet right now. No matter what you do you can do it cheaper, faster and more efficiently on the web.”

    “Remember, a website is not a monolith that’s used by one type of people. Your job is to figure out what are all of the reasons that it exists for and find the best source to measure it.”

    “The web is inherently complex, every bit of it… And it changes every day. The tool is not the answer, it’s the people. Buy the tool you want, but remember the 10/90 rule [$10k in software and invest $90k in great staff] and invest accordingly if you want to win.”

    “On the web we all do a very poor job of understanding the customer needs and wants and thus their experience on our sites. …I am a fan of measuring Customer Satisfaction (were you satisfied with your experience on our site today), Primary Purpose (why are you here today) and Task Completion Rate (were you able to complete the task today).”

    “If you want to have life-altering web site gains, those won’t happen because you have improved one page on your site or a set of single pages in a silo.”

    “When you cross-breed a bunch of metrics to produce a hybrid ‘simple number’, the process, by design, hides insights, hinders the ability to understand performance, and almost never allows the management team to identify root-causes.”

    “If you are not spending 30% of your time in 2013 with data, you’ll fail to achieve professional success.”

    “Spend 95% of your time defining the problem and 5% of the time solving it.”

    “We have so much data on the web, we dive into the the data ocean hoping that magically awesome things will follow. They never do.”

    If you prefer the book:

    Read Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity

    “I believe that most websites suck because HiPPOs create them. HiPPO is an acronym for the “Highest Paid Person’s Opinion.”
    ― Avinash KaushikWeb Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity

    Finally, for more on Avinash Kaushik and digital marketing analytics on this site:

    Analytics? Let’s defer to Avinash Kaushik

    Yep, it’s another Kaushik post

  • Original Electronic Music: Hold On

    Original Electronic Music: Hold On

    Original Electronic Music: Hold On

    Immerse yourself in a warm bath of original electronic music and vocals with a driving beat.

    Hope you enjoy the song.

    Additionally, if you liked this, you might also enjoy Put it Down


    Hold On

    Take a handful of the sand

    Throw it out and it comes back

    Like the waves of crashing sea

    Scattered to the wind like me


    Disappear into the night

    Only trace in fading light

    A small depression in the beach

    Dreams that seemed so out of reach


    Hold on, hold on

    What is going on?

    Hold on Hold on

    You’re saying it’s all gone


    Watching the sun disappear

    Feeling like the end is near

    Setting sand beneath my feet

    Shift and slide into the deep


    Only thing I understand

    Everything it has to end

    But it has to mean something

    Or it means nothing to me


    Hold on


    Hold on, hold on

    There’s something that feels wrong

    Hold on, hold on

    There’s something going on

    Hold on, hold on

    What is going on

    Hold on, hold on

    Don’t say that it’s all gone


    When you’re looking at the sky

    All you see is fading light

    Then the wind comes out to play

    And the memories fade away


    Only thing I understand

    Is that everything it ends

    But it has to mean something

    Or it means nothing to me


    Hold on, hold on,

    There’s something that feels wrong

    Hold on, hold on

    There’s something going on