Category: music

  • Original Electronic Pop – Diamonds

    Original Electronic Pop – Diamonds

    Original electronic pop song Diamonds is posted below for your listening pleasure.

    This original electronic pop has bounced around in the folders for awhile. I decided to force myself to post it because I liked the honesty of the lyrics. The song itself or melody and arrangement could have used more work, but the fussing wasn’t worth it. This original electronic pop is what it is – warts and all. Much like the words.

    No matter where we are in life, I’m sure we’ve all looked back at something we regret. It’s a univeral theme and I often wonder why those thoughts are more sticky then, say, a really enjoyable memory. (And why at 2 a.m.?????)

    Anyway, I hope I’ve captured that in this original electronic pop song – and I hope you let me know what you think in the comments below. Honest critiques always welcomed!

    Diamonds Lyrics

    like alphaville said long ago

    we’re diamonds in the sun

    we did as we pleased 

    beholden to no one

    though time won’t let you catch your breath

    it feels like yesterday

    but now through different eyes

    i see the mess i made

    some say i’m lucky up

    i might um i could agree

    there’s reason i am thinking

    of how things could have been

    never sure where we would go

    we’re driving to the end 

    strange to think we’re far apart

    but on the same path

    i don’t take this lightly

    can’t drown in memories

    dreaming night and day

    of the last time you felt free

    chorus: i’d love to take it back 

    start all over again

    but you know i can’t 

    and that will hurt until the end

    I want to take it back 

    I know what i did wrong

    no more photographs

    hope (maybe) you’ll hear this song

    I’d love to take it back

    it’s not the same old song

    i hope that you can hear

    I know what I did wrong

    SoundCloud Profile

    Enjoy the previous post: Electronic Music Track: Never Say Never

  • Electronic Music Track: Never Say Never

    Electronic Music Track: Never Say Never

    Electronic music track Never Say Never.

    This electronic music track is one of the cleaner most enjoyable tracks I’ve put together. Please enjoy!

    Never Say Never

    Been sitting on this one for a while… Learned a LOT about compression and EQ. Wow. For the first time really understood the importance of carving out sonic spaces for each track. Not only does it take time, you really have to decide how it sounds individually and then with the whole. I am looking forward to experimenting with the width of future songs. That’s still a bit challenging.

    Electronic music track Never Say Never Lyrics

    everytime i hold my breath

    i’m waiting on a day

    and losing moments i’ll regret

    let’s chase the pain away

    i’m waking up

    no time to look round

    feels so rough

    life can be up down

    (i’ll) never say never

    never say never again

    well I am holding back the tears

    while looking at the sun

    i’m making memories so clear

    I’m not the only one

    we’re dancing at midnight

    nothing to hold on

    used to believe that

    we answered to someone

    i’m waking up

    no time to look round

    feels so rough 

    life is so up down

    oh you’ll see your best sunrise

    while sailing oceans new

    as the warm spreads on your face

    remember that it’s you

    (i’ll) never say never

    never say never again

    oh never

    (i’ll) never say never

    never say never again

    don’t ever say never

    Listen to: Dance Pop Original Song – Just Listen or Original SynthPop – “What Have I Become?”

    SoundCloud Playlist

  • Original SynthPop – “What Have I Become?”

    Original SynthPop – “What Have I Become?”

    Original synthpop is the term I fell on after listening to some music that reminded me of my own. I never know how to term what I make. One of the things you do learn is that marketing is important and very difficult. It’s not something I can do for myself. I do it for others, but I just can’t do it for myself!

    Anyway, without further ado, may I present the latest track, “What Have I Become?”

    Original Synthpop track “What Have I Become?”

    Original synthpop track “What Have I Become?” is a reflection on feeling lost. Music for me is therapy and I know listening to it and connecting to other’s music helps me to get outside of my own thinking. I hope that the message, coupled with the beat are enjoyable.

    Original SynthPop Track “What Have I Become?” Lyrics

    when i ask what i’ve become

    its a question for no one

    i only hope to understand

    because time will rewrite plans

    while i’m searching on these roads (it’s a lonely way to go)

    all i’m finding are more ghosts (they are haunting me )

    i still don’t know just who I am (you really want to know)

    still i try to understand (i’ve come this far alone)

    do you know the way

    or can you hear a melody

    i feel it lingering 

    but i can’t see a thing

    maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be

    pray in dark silently

    do you have to stay in tune (the band waits for your cue)

    or today try something new (hope you’ll answer soon)

    can you find a way

    do you hear a melody

    i can feel everything

    can you hold me tightly

    till the very end of time

    i only have memories

    until the last lights die

    My SoundCloud profile

    Indie Synthpop Playlist

    Other songs on this site:

    Look In Your Eyes


  • Original Synth Pop Song – “Look In Your Eyes”

    Original Synth Pop Song – “Look In Your Eyes”

    On original synth pop song Look In Your Eyes – I first heard “Don’t bore us, get to the chorus!” from Joan Jett’s producer. If you want to skip right to the end chorus, usually the most sonically powerful part of a song, and in this case, probably is, go to 2:10. The vocals go up an octave and the urgency is at a much higher intensity than the rest of the track for sure.

    Original synth pop song, “Look In Your Eyes.”

    Original synth pop song Look In Your Eyes – as a songwriter, it is sometimes difficult to figure out the best way to get there. In this case it took a minute – or two – to finaly hot, but the build is justified. And overall, by ensuring the song is about three minutes long, I’m hoping not to ask too much of a new listener. Someone like Beyonce can take her time and folks will follow becasue they are already sold on her artistry. Unknown me, an original synth pop writer, doesn’t have the luxury of a long intro, bridges or other facets of songwriting that can be so satisfying, but ultimately, you have to earn your right to do them.

    Original synth pop song “Look In Your Eyes” does get to the point, and it adheres to the KISS method of songwriting. I hope you enjoy.

    Lyrics – Original Synth Pop “Look In Your Eyes”

    no I won’t look away

    I’ll meet you where you stand

    no I can’t give it up

    and everything we had 

    No i can’t walk away

    feet melting into sand

    look me in the eye

    thought we had a plan

    we have history

    can’t throw it all away

    oh well we’ve seen the world

    as it is anyway 

    there’s so much more to see

    we’re standing at the edge

    you and i can write

    our own symphony

    Everytime I look in your eyes

    I’m never sure what I’m gonna find

    once you’ve let me into your universe

    i know we’re not coming back to this world

    And sometimes when we look at the sky

    i feel the tears when you’re trying to fly

    when the planets and stars all align

    floating through space light years behind

    …light years behind…

    Enjoy? Listen to Secrets or Ocean Drive or Lately

    Check out 35 synth pop originals on the Playlist

  • Secrets — An Electronic Pop Track

    Secrets — An Electronic Pop Track

    Secrets was originally called “Do You Think” and is the first song to come to me in a dream. I immediately sketched it out and the rest fell into place pretty quickly.

    Secrets – p.m.warner

    It seemed like an upbeat way to approach the idea of how secrets can actually harm us and how surprising it can be when something you thought was so terrrrrible is exposed to the light of day, and the judgement you expected doesn’t appear. It’s freeing and, you are definitely not the only one. Additionally, this is a perfect length for a pop song coming from an unknown, logging in at under 3 minutes. I enjoy a song that can get right to the point, especially when I am not familiar with the artist.

    I don’t know that there is anything else that needs to be written about it. I just hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting!

    Secrets Lyrics


    all i see is what’s here before me

    and i’ll do my best – to understand

    please know you can share your secrets

    god knows it’s not an easy world

    this life can often brand us

    and sometimes we’ll see the scars

    i don’t believe it needs to define you

    they disappear when you’re in my arms

    Do you think, do you think 

    i want to get together

    do you think do you think 

    that I want you

    do you think do you think I’ll hold you sunshine

    do you think do you think…

    well it’s all true 

    tell me tell me tell me

    do you know do you know

    we have both fought battles

    do you know do you know I’ll be right here

    do you see do you see I’d die now for you

    will you share will you share your secrets with me

    oh you’ve seen have you seen 

    the life that we’ve had

    do you know do you know that i’ve seen too much

    do you think do you think that I’m naive and

    do you know do you know you’re what i need

    Do you think, do you think

    i want to get together

    do you think, do you think 

    that I want you

    do you think do you think i’ll hold you sunshine

    do you think do you think…

    well it’s all true 

    Also listen to Lately, or Ocean Drive – the latest tracks

    Or Listen to the Playlist for all tracks on SoundCloud

    Thank you again for visiting.