Please Imagine What if there was… one of us all alone in the world Lost in the moment now slip away to the words please imagine a world free of fear young at heart are shouting we are here here in the silence now drift away to the sounds you are the stars at night lighting up a dark sky please imagine a world free of fear young at heart are shouting (now) we are here it always takes me back to you drawing halos in the sun imagine your world free of fear and everyone is shouting we are here
Original dance pop song I’ve Been Wrong was a cathartic piece of songwriting. I hope you enjoy.
Dance pop can be a lot of things. It’s why I have a hard time responding to the question, “What kind of music do you make?” I understand it and I know the question is genuine, but it is sometimes hard to answer. Describing a song can be difficult — for me. I hope you give it a listen. Maybe you could describe it in the comments below. (:
Original dance pop songs are a perfect vehicle to express any emotion. I create them to say things that would be out of place anywhere else. In this case, this is more focused on regret… but still hopeful in acknowledging being wrong. It’s sometimes difficult to put aside ego and look at actions in a sober light. I certainly don’t set out to hurt people but inevitably it happens. How can we reconcile this?
I leave that question to you, and hope you enjoy this original dance pop song. Thank you.
Emotional Dance Music Remember Where We Are is a song about mixing the worlds of hope and reality.
Hope and reality are (to me) always seemingly at odds. Remember Where We Are is about navigating the worlds of staying grounded and looking up.
Remember Where We Are — p.m.warner
Emotional Dance Music — Remember Where We Are is a struggle I face often. First things first, it was Gabriel & Dresden who first termed their flavor of EDM as Emotional Dance Music. I am borrowing it from them. It expresses the music I am trying to create. More and more as I find my voice, I am less inclined towards trying to emulate upbeat bangers – that I really enjoy! Instead finding a place to reflect while not resorting to navel gazing. A song, to me, still has to have a great beat.
I hope you enjoy this song. I am continuing to work on production values and create emotional dance music that connects. Thank you for listening.
Emotional Dance Music – Remember Where We Are – Lyrics
Dance pop song – Just Listen came about after an encounter that forced me to rethink a lot of things. I consider myself a sensitive person, someone who takes in and even feels a lot of the surroundings, and do my best to add context to my day to day interactions. After one in particular, I realized I wasn’t as adept at this as I thought. and the dance pop song Just Listen was born.
Just Listen – p.m.warner
For a little more behind how dance pop song Just Listen came about, I have to make a confession. I’m not as good at communicating as I thought. And in this case, communicating wasn’t what was needed. I don’t like to see people hurting and offered advice or what I thought were solutions before I realized that this person just needed someone to listen — to hear her concerns and have an outlet. I had a hard time with that because that’s exactly what this person needed and I was oblivious. Until a few hours later when I realized that sometimes I just need to “shut up and listen.” That’s the song’s chorus. It’s not being said to anyone else but myself.
Dance pop can be a funny thing. Many think of it as a light and fluffy song form, whereas I really look at it as an opportunity to explore the areas of life we can’t just talk about in everyday conversation. Loneliness, depression, bullying, suicide, isolation, substance abuse. All these things I know many grapple with daily and the areas I need to explore in my music.
On another note, sorry about inserting dance pop at random areas in the conversation. SEO.
Dance Pop – Just Listen – Lyrics
Well this is a song for the lonely
And this is a song if you’re down
This is to say i’m listening
cause we’re all here now
oh we’ve all been lonely
and we’ve even been afraid
We’ve also all felt helpless
Thinking no one hears the pain
Shut up and and listen
just shut up and listen
please shut up and listen
Not saying this is easy
i’m not saying fade away
Just saying that i’m listening
Only saying it’s ok
But I’ll be here waiting….for the day…
Shut up and listen
just quiet and listen…to the pain
This is a song for the lonely…it’s ok to be afraid
New original track You Are Not Alone almost didn’t exist. A few days ago, I debated whether to abandon the track or to continue and publish. I decided to press forward, mostly to overcome a lot of production issues, coupled with a chorus I’m still not totally happy with. But, moving forward, I learned a lot. Especially about overloading the bass and kick, which is now remedied. Perhaps too much, but at least it won’t sound like the police are knocking on your subwoofers with a doorbuster.
New original track You Are Not Alone is pretty straightforward. It’s the first song I’ve been able to clock in at exactly three minutes. I’ve been working on making songs concise and this is a good example of the direction I’m trying to go. I would still like to slow things down a bit, and keep it short, but we’ll get there. This new original track is dedicated to anyone having a hard time and how easy it is to isolate, which is exactly what you don’t want to do. Trust me, I get it, when we’re in pain, the idea of reaching out for help seems impossible. But it is out there, and there are people who understand. Talking to somebody can make a huge difference, it’s just tough to take that first step. But if you do, it can be a game changer.
New Original Track- You Are Not Alone – Lyrics
You Are Not Alone
on the surface now you seem like you are fine
but your demons are hiding in plain sight
hurt and pain are masked by your smiling eyes
putting on a front like this is life
all by yourself the night is sometimes hard to bear
the voices start to get so loud, they’re only things you hear
you don’t have to do this alone
it’s not something to do on your own
circling around you like hungry wolves at night
all your thoughts of hope have gone dark inside
by yourself the night is sometimes hard to bear
the screaming’s become so damn loud, and you think that no one cares
you don’t have to do this alone
it’s not something to do on your own
reach out for a hand you might not see right now
but it’s how you’ll pull through the dark, this crushing mess somehow
reach out for a hand you might just see right through
but it’s how you’ll ignore the dark, find someone here for you