Dance Pop Original Song – Just Listen

Dance Pop Song - Just Listen

Dance pop song – Just Listen came about after an encounter that forced me to rethink a lot of things. I consider myself a sensitive person, someone who takes in and even feels a lot of the surroundings, and do my best to add context to my day to day interactions. After one in particular, I realized I wasn’t as adept at this as I thought. and the dance pop song Just Listen was born.

Just Listen – p.m.warner

For a little more behind how dance pop song Just Listen came about, I have to make a confession. I’m not as good at communicating as I thought. And in this case, communicating wasn’t what was needed. I don’t like to see people hurting and offered advice or what I thought were solutions before I realized that this person just needed someone to listen — to hear her concerns and have an outlet. I had a hard time with that because that’s exactly what this person needed and I was oblivious. Until a few hours later when I realized that sometimes I just need to “shut up and listen.” That’s the song’s chorus. It’s not being said to anyone else but myself.

Dance pop can be a funny thing. Many think of it as a light and fluffy song form, whereas I really look at it as an opportunity to explore the areas of life we can’t just talk about in everyday conversation. Loneliness, depression, bullying, suicide, isolation, substance abuse. All these things I know many grapple with daily and the areas I need to explore in my music.

On another note, sorry about inserting dance pop at random areas in the conversation. SEO.

Dance Pop – Just Listen – Lyrics

Well this is a song for the lonely

And this is a song if you’re down

This is to say i’m listening 

cause we’re all here now

oh we’ve all been lonely

and we’ve even been afraid

We’ve also all felt helpless

Thinking no one hears the pain

Shut up and and listen

just shut up and listen

please shut up and listen

Not saying this is easy

i’m not saying fade away

Just saying that i’m listening

Only saying it’s ok

But I’ll be here waiting….for the day…

Shut up and listen

just quiet and listen…to the pain

This is a song for the lonely…it’s ok to be afraid

If you liked, also listen to Put It Down

For the entire playlist of originals: THE PLAYLIST