Original Dance Pop — I’ve Been Wrong

original dance pop

Original dance pop song I’ve Been Wrong was a cathartic piece of songwriting. I hope you enjoy.

Dance pop can be a lot of things. It’s why I have a hard time responding to the question, “What kind of music do you make?” I understand it and I know the question is genuine, but it is sometimes hard to answer. Describing a song can be difficult — for me. I hope you give it a listen. Maybe you could describe it in the comments below. (:

Original dance pop songs are a perfect vehicle to express any emotion. I create them to say things that would be out of place anywhere else. In this case, this is more focused on regret… but still hopeful in acknowledging being wrong. It’s sometimes difficult to put aside ego and look at actions in a sober light. I certainly don’t set out to hurt people but inevitably it happens. How can we reconcile this?

I leave that question to you, and hope you enjoy this original dance pop song. Thank you.

Original Dance Pop — I’ve Been Wrong — Lyrics

I’ve Been Wrong

it’s only you and i

don’t have to answer why

nor do we want to

the mystery is mine

i’m someone new today

don’t need the acolades

all i need to say

i’ve been wrong x2

about everything

No longer hard to say

i’m selfish and afraid

not everything’s OK

i’m here to try again

looking back on days

i’ve fucked up everything

well I’m here to say 

I’ve been wrong x2

about everything 

i’ve been wrong

i’ve hurt so many here

the real world is dear

the sounds of our past sins

are the words you need to hear

-i always think

when i die

Hope to see

everyone’s eyes

above an endless sea of gray

i can only say

i’m here

i was wrong

Like this? Listen to Just Listen and Remember Where We Are

For more original music: Soundcloud