Social and Search Advertising Character Space
While social and search advertising on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google AdWords can be effective if done right, sometimes the planning around what you can fit into your ads gets a little tricky. Between what the client wants (or you) and traditional creative, there are going to be compromises. But keep in mind that the character space is low because the platforms have found that this amount of text is most effective (and fits best into varying space constraints). So don’t think of the platforms as limiting you, so much as helping you to be much more concise in creating your CTAs (calls to action).
Remember that many of your ads may show up in different placements if you choose those options, so while the maximum amounts are listed, you may want to shorten even more so text doesn’t get cut off before a viewer even knows what your ad is about. Be sure to get right to the point.
With that in mind let’s take a look at the different platforms and now that you know the character spaces you are working with, can plan your ad campaigns a little more easily!

Intro: 150
Headline: 70 (Below the photo. Not shown in this example)
Description: 100 (Not typically displayed)

Intro: Ideal post is around 90 characters. Can go longer, but not recommended if using other placements.
Headline: 40 (but will cut off at 25 in some placements) Below photo. Not shown here.
Description: No more than a sentence, or two, max. Won’t appear in all placements.

Intro: 116
Headline: 70

Text Ad
Headline 1: 30
Headline 2: 30
Description: 80
Extensions: 25-35

Responsive Ad
Short Headline: 25
Long Headline: 90
Description: 90

Dynamic Ad
Headline (Dynamically Generated)
Description: 80
If you want to also use Bing Ads, you can simply import your AdWords Ads into the platform.
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