Tag: electronic music

  • Sunset Sky – M1

    Sunset Sky – M1

    Sunset Sky is the name. M1 is the latest track.

    Sunset Sky worked out perfectly. Approximately 99.9% of the photos I take are of the sky and sunset. So…

    The Sunset Sky music site is live – not finished, but live.

    M1 references a supernova remnant and the track is a moody electronic drive deep into the dark night. Get behind the wheel and let yourself go.

    Bandcamp link



    Sunset Sky M1
    Sunset Sky – M1
    M1 is one of those tracks that straddle the line between wanting to dance, listen or just… drive.

    I wanted to create a track that just allowed the listener to be. Or even take you somewhere far away. It is winding a road into the sky. I hope I succeeded.

    M1 by Sunset Sky on YouTube
    M1 Lyrics

    easing into the warm night

    nothing ever feels so right

    yes i like it

    I like it

    thinking about all you said 

    playing with thoughts in my head

    and i like it 

    i like it

    no answers here

    just the silence

    the stars have seen — everything

    only witness to our nighttime scenes

    the nightscape falls in time

    shadows obscure all our crimes

    and i like it

    i like it

    moonlight sweeping outside rooms

    washing midnight sins from you

    and i like it

    oh i like it

    no answers here

    just the silence

    the stars have seen — everything

    just remember we’re a blip on the screen

    where are we now

    are we now

    are we now

    we’ll wake up some other day instead

    (were we ever here before

    i don’t remember anymore

    we can ask the skies above

    are the stars your only love)

    where are we now

    are we now

    are we now

    we’ll wake up some other day instead

    Thank you for visiting. Leave a comment. Or reach out for help on your tracks!

    Listen to 2AM — a new dance song

    Visit Bandcamp

    Or Soundcloud

  • 2AM — a new dance song

    2AM — a new dance song

    2AM is a dance song. Pure and simple with a twist of anxiety mixed in. Anxiety. I love it.

    The Sunset Sky music site is live – not finished, but live.

    Every now and then I wake up in the middle of the night and think about things – too much. I have no idea why. It doesn’t always happen, but enough that I wanted to write a dance song about it. In the middle of the night, there is nothing you can do and the worry seems so needless, yet so important. The funny thing is, whatever is being obsessed over can usually be resolved during the day, but your brain wants it resolved RIGHT now and goes over and over every single option. Drives me nuts. Here’s the track – it’s a good one.





    Dance song 2AM is one of the best tracks I’ve put together. I’m getting more proficient at mixing and mastering. I’m still learning the ins and outs of proper compression and there are some EQ issues that crop up, but for the most part the tracks are starting to sound more polished. I just make one or two stupid mistakes on each, rather than the usual myriad.

    2Am by Sunset Sky on YouTube

    Dance Song 2AM – Lyrics

    it seems like 2am

    don’t ask just who i am

    or even what it means to me

    it feels so wrong i cannot think

    here i am at night

    it doesn’t feel so right

    the voice inside my head will

    never die down stay still

    im up at 2am again

    i cannot think at all

    why the fuck am i here

    what is going on

    deep into the sky

    I stop wondeting why

    the sun will be up soon enough

    and the racing thoughts might die

    when the dawn comes up 

    I pretend the ghosts aren’t there

    go about the day like

    well i really dont care

    im up at 2am again

    i cannot think at all

    why the fuck am i here

    what is going on

    i cannot sleep anymore

    toss and turn all night

    it’s all on my mind baby

    what the hell is life

    please call administration

    i can’t handle this

    goin down in flames

    sweating through the tears

    over and over why cant i stop thinking

    i have to ask do you ever sleep at all

    because if i’m only dreaming…

    can you or will you catch my fall

    Listen to SoundCloud

    Listen to Put it Down

  • You Seriously Need to Listen to Synth Pop Track “Considerations”

    You Seriously Need to Listen to Synth Pop Track “Considerations”

    Synth pop track “Considerations” is, as Bob Ross would say, “A happy accident.”

    “Considerations” is a new synth pop track by p.m.warner

    Synth pop is the term I’m using this time. An even better word might be zeitgeist. Such a great word. I put my finger in the air often and feel the mood of a given time. I don’t always like to do it, but I do. Don’t know about you, but this last year and a half has been something, and I think that folks – generally – are doing a re-evaluation of their lives. The line “I/You need to break out, or I’m/you’re going to break down” captures that and it was something that just kept running through my head. Especially after seeing news or checking in with others.

    Synth pop is the perfect vehicle for a message like this. When electronic music started making its way into the public consciousness, bands like Depeche Mode, New Order and so many lesser known bands were trying to say something while infusing those messages in soaring melodies and hypnotic, danceable beats. It was a strange mixture for many, and goths were the first to embrace it, but it didn’t take long before it started making its way into the mainstream.

    Synth pop has an amazing history. I strongly suggest it for your next rabbithole of musical discovery.

    Here’s the lyrics!

    Synth pop track “Considerations” lyrics

    sleeping in on Sunday

    Feel the minutes ticking by

    what am I supposed to do

    Waiting for the sun to die

    Days slip by in a stream

    like I’m reading from a script

    an idea for our scene

    let’s improvise whatever’s next 

    I need to break out

    or I’m going to break down 

    I need to break out

    or I’m going to break down

    Held down by convention

    It’s a fucking lot of fun

    You’re going to get judged in here

    By pretty much everyone

    You need to move on

    well obviously we all know

    But its hard to change your shoes

    with your feet stuck in the snow

    you like to party you like to disco you know the dance so c’mon let’s go

    You need to break out

    or you’re going to break down

    you need to break out

    or you’re going to break down

    Listen to Original Electronic Pop – Diamonds next.

    Want the whole shebang? Visit the playlist on SoundCloud

  • Electronic Dance Pop “Massive”

    Electronic dance pop original “Massive” was fun to make. Not easy, but fun.

    Played it for someone, and she said, “Oh that sounds so… ’80s.” I certainly don’t try to reference a certain genre or time period in my music, but I am certainly influenced by what I call the great awakening of music in my life. In a time when American pop was stale and tired (to my ears anyway) New Order, Depeche Mode and so many others came along and completely turned my world upside down. It was so different than Bruce and Madonna. Wonderfully different.

    So electronic dance pop can mean so many things to folks. I love the music made today, but I certainly can’t help that these first electronic bands that paved the way still don’t have sway over my creative approach. Anyway, here’s the song. I’d love for you to give it a listen.

    Electronic Dance Pop Original “Massive”

    Is it possible to completely escape what you have heard when it comes to song creation? I don’t think so. I have to continue to listen to a lot of different artists and continue to learn from them. I certainly don’t want to always continue repeating something that has already been heard/done before.

    The term electronic dance pop is limited, but for the sake of defining it for those who haven’t heard it before, I will continue to try to use words to describe music. Others can do this much, much better than me.

    Again, I hope you enjoy and please feel free to get in touch with any questions. My email is here.

    Electronic Dance Pop Original “Massive” Lyrics

    (Before you fade away, before you become melody

    you’re gonna break my heart)
    it’s not a distant memory

    were captured from the start

    played our roles til epilogue

    a few acts fell apart 
    projecting image on a screen

    for a theater of one

    the last reel is a desert scene 

    where i’m choking on the dust

    you call cut…

    before you drift away, before you become memories

    i need to say goodbye
    before you break my heart before you light fire to our scenes 

    I hold you one last time

    we lived inside a cinema the world a movie score

    and before the credits start to roll

     you’re walking out the door

    If you liked this try Breathe or visit the PMWarner SoundCloud

  • Original Dance Pop Track: Stand Up

    Original Dance Pop Track: Stand Up

    Stand Up – an original dance pop track

    This new dance pop track Stand Up was a process! It was written as reminder that no matter how beaten down you feel (it happens a lot) it’s hard but so important to keep getting up and trying again. Even against the most impossible odds.

    On a technical note, I have been learning more and more about mixing and mastering and still know it’s only the tip of the iceberg. In another post, I will share some things I have been learning and other great sources of information I’ve come across.

    I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment below!


    Lyrics for “Stand Up,” an original, dance pop track:

    Stand up where you are

    Keep reaching for the stars

    You know it feels so right

    You’re fighting for your life

    Here you are

    Feeling down

    Feeling like you’re about to drown


    Where you were

    What happened to the future?

    Held in place

    It’s no good

    Without a past misunderstood


    Your place here

    It’s so hard to live in fear

    We all want

    To play again

    To dance on beaches in the sun

    It’s all right

    To be afraid

    But not ok to give up again

    Ok now

    So stand up where you are

    We have to start somewhere

    Not going down alone

    You’re breaking out of here

    You feel trapped

    And starting now

    Remembering the cave and how

    Time to say

    No more pain

    Breaking out of molded shame

    And here you are

    Who are you?

    This is what you’re meant to do

    You have strength

    To break away

    And never fall back here again

    This is what

    You have to do

    Don’t stop now

    Cause lights in you

    It’s OK to be afraid

    Moving forward into change

    OK now

    So stand up where you are

    Never say too far

    You’re standing on your feet

    And listening to the beat

    So Stand up where you are

    It’ll never be too far

    You’re standing up right now

    Keep the vision in your heart

    You’re frozen

    Frozen in this place

    You’re frozen

    Froze in outer space

    Stand up where you are

    Never give up the stars

    When you’ve fallen down

    Get up off the ground

    Rise up where you are

    You’ve brought yourself this far

    You’re moving with the beat

    And dancing in the heat

    Stand up where you are

    Keep reaching for the stars

    You know it feels so right

    You’re fighting for your life


    Also listen to: Put It Down, No More and SOS.

    You can listen to the Dance Pop Playlist HERE