Original pop song Why Can’t We asks a question—can we change our course of tragic violence or will we continue to look the other way?
Writing this during the holiday season of celebrations, I thought of all those who couldn’t be with their friends and family anymore. It’s unacceptable that gun violence is a common occurrence and I hope we all can effect change.
Why Can’t We
Wakes up to new elation
Runs fingers through her hair
Then quickly scrolls through texts and
Snaps an IG in the mirror
Now walking to the classroom
She hears them droning on
They turn around to smile but…
She feels like something’s wrong
Then sudden shouts explosions
Thick gunfire punches through
When the fury dies and smoke clears
There’s countless lying still
On a bright and sunlit morning
She draws her final breath
Lets go of a note in silence
And this is all it said:
Why can’t we
Do anything
Why can’t we
Hear their screams
Only a few days later
Their memories fade away
Forgotten ‘til the next time
Like the crumpled note that read:
Why can’t we
End a fucking thing
Why can’t we
Listen to the screams
Why can’t we
(Except count the dead)
End a fucking thing
(Look the other way instead)
Why can’t we
(Except count the dead)
Whispers to a scream
(Look the other way instead)
Oh we can count the dead
Look the other way instead
Oh we can count the dead
And look the other way instead
Also listen to SOS – a song on bullying.
and Put It Down
or No More
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